Cubanisms at a Bar (Video)
Mike is a bartender. Andres is a regular. Together they discuss a few of the unique terms that comprise Cubanisms. Inspired by @cubanismsbook by @pedro_miami. #miami #Cubanisms #cuba #slang #CubanSlang #actorslife #actor #acting #webseries #webisode A video posted by...
Praise for Cubanisms from the great Cuban-American poet, Richard Blanco!
Richard Blanco: I recently had the pleasure of meeting Pedro García-Menocal, author of "Cubanisms"—about the figures of speech and other terms that Cubans use—our own language within Spanish. Our team of highly skilled and knowledgeable technicians specializes in a...
Pedro interviewed on Univision for Al Punto Florida!
This is a pre-interview for a longer talk that will air in January 2018. Al Punto Florida Estamos con Pedro García-Menocal autor del libro CUBANISMS. Su entrevista con Carolina R. Rosario pronto en Nuestro programa.
Feliz Navidad
Feliz Navidad, Prospero Año y Felicidad! Wish somebody a very Cuban Christmas with Cubanisms!??? #Cubanisms, #CubanismsBook, #PedroMenocal, #Garrix, #CubanSlang, #HTSC, #spanglish #HowToSpeakCuban #Cuba #twitter #wp #Christmas #sohohouse #sohobeachhouse...
‘Cubanismos: una mirada a Cuba a través del arte y de las palabras’
Cubanisms featured on 14ymedio!! 14ymedio is the first independent digital media outlet in Cuba co-founded by Cuban blogger and activist Yoani Sánchez. Read article here.
José Marti statute in Central Park
Cubanisms visits the José Marti statute in Central Park. #Cubanisms, #CubanismsBook, #josemarti #cubalibre #Garrix, #CubanSlang, #HowToSpeakCuban, #HTSC #twitter, #wp, #cuba
Viva Cuba Libre
Viva Cuba Libre! ?????? #fidelisdead #muriofidel
Cubanisms Book makes TOP 10 Amazon Best Sellers List
Cubanisms book makes Amazon's Top Ten Best Seller list!! ?????? Ranked #8 in the Hispanic American Studies category! ?????? @mangopublishing @pedro_miami @garrixtoonz @amazon #amazonbooks #books
1933: Cuban exiles in Miami
TBT - Ever wonder why there are so many Cubans in Miami? According to the Miami Herald it's all my great-grandfather's fault. #pedrogarciamenocal #Cubanisms, #CubanismsBook, #PedroMenocal, #Garrix, #CubanSlang, #HTSC, #spanglish #HowToSpeakCuban #Cuba #twitter...
Artículo en El Nuevo Herald sobre Cubanisms y Cuban American Organ
Great article published in "El Nuevo Herald" about the “Cubanisms” book & the “Cuban American Organ” band that will be playing at the book signing event Wednesday, November 16, at Food Trucks & Music Night at North Beach Bandshell ?????? "El Órgano...
Book Signing, Dinner & Music at North Beach Bandshell
On Nov 16, join us for dinner & music at a book signing show at North Beach Bandshell Get your Cubanisms book signed by author Pedro Menocal and illustrator Gustavo “Garrincha” Rodriguez, while listening to incredible live music by the Cuban American Organ, and...
Cuban American couple talk about #Cubanisms
Cuban-American couple share stories about typical Cuban traditions like "Cuban time", history of Cuban families immigrating to Miami, and preparing food feasts for the holidays a lo Cubano!
Photo Book Signing Event Oct 23
Thank you to everyone who showed up at our excellent event @booksandbooks. It was a complete sellout! Thank you everyone for your support!
Pedro Menocal talking Cubanisms with Celebrities at La Musa Awards
Author Pedro Menocal talks Cubanisms with Rudy Perez, Jon Secada, Javier Romero, Lena Burke, Adriana Catano, and other celebrities! ?????? Author Pedro Menocal talks Cubanisms with Rudy Perez, Jon Secada, Javier Romero, Lena Burke, Adriana Catano, and other...
Emilio Estefan and Pedro Menocal at La Musa Awards
Pedro hanging out with Cuban music producer and all around great guy, Emilio Estefan, at La Musa Awards! #Cubanisms, #CubanismsBook, #PedroMenocal, #PedroGarciaMenocal, #Garrix, #CubanSlang, #HowToSpeakCuban, #HTSC, #rudyperezmusic; #latinsongwritereshalloffame,...